
Education & Training Programme

The Training infrastructural arrangement of the Odisha State Co-operative Union comprises of 04 Junior Training Centres for Co-operative Management located at Gopalpur-on-sea, Baragarh, Koraput and Baripada. Besides there are seventeen Field Level Training Centres located at 17 Central Co-operative Banks of the State. The Centre for Coop. Management at Gopalpur-on-sea conducts core courses of Diploma in Co-op. Management and Administration (DCMA) comprising of 24 weeks for Inspector of Co-op. Societies of the Cooperation Department and intermediary level of Cooperative officers of different Co-operative organizations of the State. In addition to this all the 3 (Three) Centers for Co-operative Management conduct Diploma in Co-operative Management course which is also a core professional course for the personnel working in Co-operative Banks, PACS/LAMPS etc. Moreover the centres have also conduct need-based functional and multi-functional and refresher course for the departmental and institutional employees on cooperative accounts, auditing, coop. management, marketing, salesmanship, banking, non-farm financing, Co-operative laws, leadership development, dairy, poultry farming, fishery, weavers co-operative societies. The training programmes are both in-door as well as outstation drawn up annually through calendar of programmes covering the need-based training programmes of all sectors of the co-operatives in the state.

One day “Management Development Training Programme” organised by Odisha state co-operative union for Odisha Rajya Talgur Samabaya Sangha(ORTSS) Bhubaneswar on dtd 16/03/22